Grating spec
Material description: The grating of our company is based on the spec of NAAMM of USA. The grating is of SS400, SU304 material and specially made distorted square iron. Meanwhile, it is treated with hot dipping process.
Zinc-plated thickness: Above 460g/m2. Elongation rate: Above 21%.
Tensile strength: 41-52kgf/mm2. Yield strength: Above 25kgf/mm2.

Installation gap of different part of grating
Term explanation:
1. Main post (Weight carrying post): It is rolled steel installed among support steels to support load carrying post.
2. Horizontal post: It is an object that is welded to load carrying post to form 90 degree angle.
3. Grating: It means the completed grating product. Based on customer’s need, product of different size and shape can be made.
4. Grating length: "L": It is the total length of grating, in the measurement, it is parallel to the weight-carrying post.
5. Grating width: "W": The total width of grating, in the measurement, it is parallel to the Flagpole
6. Grating area: "Horizontal surface", total floor area, including the hollow dented tooth part.
7. Edge post: It is used at the mutually welding part at two ends of the weight-carrying post, and the hollow dented tooth part.
8.Base board: Weight-carrying cross-sectional post, which is 100mm to the board surface. It is welded to both ends and side part of grating so as to carry the hollow part and dented tooth part.(Note: Base board should be used according to the regulation.)
9.Cutting ruler : It specifically means the total cut length of the grating. Its dimension does not include bar post at theside part.

The data here are all suggested dimensions. For the grating, depending on the actual need, different manufacturing standard can be applied. We suggest that the hollow part in the peripheral of the arc barrier should have diameter of 50cm. This diameter is larger than the barrier itself. In addition, we suggest that during the installation, the hollow part of the line should have diameter below 100mm.

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